Knitting Abbreviations + Stitch Glossary

Knitting abbreviations are common in many patterns.

The following glossary will demystify terms found in your knitting patterns. Visit linked items to see my detailed tutorials with written instructions and video help.

Knitting Abbreviation – Description

[ ] – Work instructions within brackets as many times as directed
( ) – Work instructions within parentheses in the place directed
* * – Repeat instructions following the asterisks as directed
* – Repeat instructions following the single asterisk as directed
” – Inches

Knitting Abbreviations table of contents in book page with yarn and knitting needles.

ALT – Alternate
APPROX – Approximately

BEG – Begin / Beginning
BET – Between
BO – Bind Off

CAKE -Yarn wound into a cylindrical shape where both top and bottom are flat and there is a center yarn to pull out
CA – Color A
CB – Color B
CC – Contrasting Color
CM – Centimeter(s)
CN – Cable Needle
CO – Cast On Knitwise
CO REVERSE – Cast On Purlwise
CONT – Continue

DEC – Decrease
DPN – Double Pointed Needles
DBLE – Double
DS – Destash (sell or trade unwanted yarn)

EOR – End Of Row or Every Other Row

FL – Front Loop(s)
FLASHING – Similar to pooling, but more linear in design
FO – Finished Object
FOLL – Follow
FROG – To rip back (for the sound “rip it, rip it”) by removing the needles and undoing all your hard work
FROG POND – A storage place for knitted items waiting to be frogged
FSOT – For Sale or Trade

G – Gram
GIFTED – The act of giving yarn/items to another for free
G ST – Garter Stitch

INC – Increase
ISO – In Search Of

K – Knit
K1B – Knit 1 Below
K2TOG – Knit 2 Stitches Together
KAL – Knit Along
KFB – Knit Front and Back
KIP – Knit In Public
KTBL – Knit Through the Back Loop
KWISE – Knitwise

L – Left
LH – Left Hand Needle
LP(S) – Loop(s)
LYS – Local Yarn Store

M – Meter(s)
MB – Make Bobble
M1 – Make 1 Stitch by Taking Yarn Over or Around Needle
M1 P ST – Make 1 Purl Stitch
MC – Main Color
MM – Millimeter(s)

NO – Number

OTN – On the Needles
OZ – Ounce(s)

P – Purl
PAT OR PATT – Pattern(s)
PIF – Pay It Forward
PM – Place Marker
POOLING – When one color in a Variegated yarn bunches together in an area
POP – Popcorn
P2TOG – Purl Two Stitches Together
PREV – Previous
PSSO – Pass Slipped Stitch Over
PWISE – Purlwise

RAK -Random Act of Kindness, a small gift to a fellow knitter
REM – Remaining
REP – Repeat
REV ST ST – Reverse Stockinette Stitch
R – Right
RH – Right-Hand Needle
RND(S) – Round(s)
RS – Right Side

SABLE -Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy
SSK – Skip
SKP – Slip, Knit, Pass Stitch Over
SK2P – Slip 1, Knit 2 Together, Pass Slip Stitch Over the Knit 2 Together
SL – Slip
SL1K – Slip 1 Knitwise
SL1P – Slip 1 Purlwise
SL ST – Slip Stitch(es)
SS – Slip Stitch
SSK – Slip, Slip, Knit these 2 Stitches Together
SSSK – Slip, Slip, Slip, Knit these 3 Stitches Together
ST(S) – Stitch(es)
ST ST – Stockinette Stitch

TBL – Through the Back Loop
TINK – ‘KNIT’ spelled backward. To undo knit stitches by reversing the knitting motion, effectively un-knitting the stitch
TOAD – Trashed Object Abandoned in Disgust
TOG – Together

UFO – UnFinished Object (usually an abandoned or neglected WIP)

VANILLA – An easy, plain pattern

WIP – Work In Progress
WPI – Wraps Per Inch (number of times yarn will wrap loosely around a ruler or similar tool in one inch; more wraps indicates thinner yarn)
WS – Wrong Side
WL – Wool, or Yarn
WYIB – With Yarn in Back
WYIF – With Yarn in Front

YARNIE – An independent dyer or spinner with a small business, lover of all that is yarn
YD(S) – Yard(s)
YFWD – Yarn Forward
YO – Yarn Over
YRN – Yarn Around Needle
YON – Yarn Over Needle

Kristen McDonnell
Author • Designer • Teacher

Kristen from StudioKnit LLC produces knitting video lessons and pattern designs from her vibrant production studio on Half Moon Bay’s California coast.

Kristen McDonnell is the author of the highly acclaimed book Knit Stitch: 50 Knit + Purl Patterns featuring vintage and unique designs.


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